When first starting the SCD diet with our family I was terrified that I would never make our waffle/pancake breakfast again. I wasn’t just dramatic, I really didn’t understand all the options out there with different flours. There is coconut flour, almond flour, cashew flour, pea flour, pecan flour… without sounding like I am in ‘Forrest Gump’ I will move on. The first few attempts were DISASTROUS. But, my family didn’t disown me and I kept trying because of it. The first pancakes I would like to discuss are Danielle Walker’s, Against All Grain waffles. Her cook book “Against All Grain”has been what I have termed the bible of my sanity. In this book you will find a waffle recipe using cashews, which I have used numerous times and they taste AMAZING. The texture is not crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside like wheat flour gives, but the taste is pretty great. I am not using this recipe as a step by step but I suggest you giving it a try as it is one excellent breakfast. You can find the recipe here: https://againstallgrain.com/2012/06/21/grain-free-waffles/ HOWEVER!….this recipe is unlike the one in her cookbook because it leaves out….VANILLA. By now you may have noticed I love vanilla, so you really should add it. 1/2 tsp she notes, but I would go for a full tablespoon. Also, the cook book is 1/2 cup of coconut milk, not the 1/3 cup almond milk the online version posts which I prefer. I add all of these ingredients at once in the blender until smooth and add to the waffle maker on low heat.
Now on with the show. Banana pancakes are about as easy as easy gets. There are all sorts of recipes that indicate the ease, but a lot of the two recipe ingredients either fall apart or taste really strange. Here is the recipe that I pulled together over time that is still has very few ingredients, but works well:- 2 egg
- 1/2 of a ripe, spotted banana (this is to ensure ripeness and less starch, very important for SCD
- 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Flour
- 2 Tablespoons of Almond Flour
- 1 teaspoon of Vanilla
In order to make this:
- Cup of blueberries frozen or fresh
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- Teaspoon of lemon
- Splash of cold filtered water
~Here are some of our pictures that have come from these pancakes ~
I hope these recipes help bring back morning fun. Along with fruit and sugar free SCD legal bacon, it will feel like a wonderful Sunday morning again. Thank you to all the creators of these recipes, it has truly made a world of difference in our family’s life.
Thank you, can’t wait to try!!! Where can I get this waffle maker? I think my boys would like the stick idea, too!
Hi Andrea! Yes this is a great one! It’s kind of old though so not sure if it’s still around… it is a Hamilton Beach waffle maker. I am sure if you go to amazon you may find many options! Thanks so much for the comment 🙂