The first one!!
Let me start by introducing myself. I am the mother of two amazing and beautiful boys who were born of great weight, no complications, and smiles almost immediately on their faces. They were both pretty easy little guys, one that never slept unless I danced him around for at least an hour to Spanish music!, with hardly a care, cry, or bad feeling towards most things. The other, my second little guy who was born ready to make his brother proud and excited for all that he did as most second children are, with a creative way about him from the second he could hold something to pretend with. Mainly always happy little boys, full of promise and love. Both extraordinarily different in personality, but the same in their willingness to love and learn with us (my husband and I) always there to guide them. Years went by and my eldest son, Jack started school at almost 4. Never wanting to leave him, I found a way to be there even when I couldn’t stay. I started to bring treats to school to help him feel excited and make friends as he was so shy, but sooo wanted a friend. The children in his class were so excited each time I brought something, floored to see something made just a little out of the ordinary…whether it be a color icing they had never seen before, or a chocolate bunny on top of cupcakes for Easter. My best, were snow globes made from plastic coke bottles with ‘snow’ stuck to the plastic with sugar water and ginger cookies on a upside down cupcake, all assembled into a snowy globe dream…don’t judge, I know I’m nuts. I was hooked in seeing the smile on my son’s face. I would stay up all hours every year to make things to get the kids excited and this continued as our kids get older, going into the class with treats for holidays, birthdays, and special events. This carried on with my second child Henry as well. He was just as excited for his turn as he was used to helping (and eating) the treats I brought his brother’s classes. This turned into baking for events at school and others asking me to start bakeries…no thanks to that, but flattered!
Many memories and experiences later, it is 2016. Our family had finished another great year, Christmas just had past, and it was going to be our first family trip to Hawaii, Jack was 9 and Henry 5. The first part of our trip was a little rocky because Henry seemingly had a stomach flu our first night there. Quick back story, I had been telling the pediatrician for a couple months before how I felt Henry was pale and not going to the bathroom regularly. Going through holding poop (sorry for the bathroom talk already but get ready!) was not an uncommon issue for my boys. My eldest was also a pro at holding bowel movements and the pediatrician told us to give him Miralax like it was the water he needed to survive. So, I was ready for another pediatrician to pin all of Henry’s issues on this as well. Blood work apparently looked fine and urine samples clear… Back to Hawaii, I asked Henry if he needed to go to the bathroom incase that might be part of the reason of him not feeling well. I started to believe stool holding might be an issue and although with extreme hesitation to give Miralax so frequently at such a young age, (first red fag!) I gave him the laxative. Now looking back Miralax most likely completely rid his gut of every beneficial bacteria needed to fight off bacteria harmful to his gut. I would soon realize, that in Hawaii Henry did not have a stomach bug, or a stool holding issue, Hawaii was our first experience with the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Three wakeful nights of pain and vomiting after our trip landed us in the ER and eventually to multiple GI’s that eventually gave us the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.
We went through many emotions.. many doctors, telling us medications, specifically ‘Biologics’ such as ‘Remicade’, was the only answer to control his immune system from attacking itself. How could this be??? This process was unkind, putting a 5 year old in a recliner with an IV infusion to knock out his immune system for 4 hours with who knows what side effects. The search began, anything that could help keep us from this fate, this life. I stumbled upon SCD diet, the Special Carbohydrate Diet, the diet that would change his life and our families’ life. Reading case after case of those it had helped with Crohn’s and Colitis, I told the pediatric GI that we were going to try it first before any medication. And so all the treats, the colorful swirls, Oreo truffles and known fudge with the little white ball sprinkles for Christmas, Easter Bunny cupcakes, Gingerbread houses, ice creams after dinner, Halloween candy, well you get the point, stopped. Along with all starch, grains, dairy, and things you and I have never heard of as far ingredients. I told both our boys that this is now the way of life and we were going to accept it as our way, our family unity to make things better. I knew it was going to be hard…it was…it is. But, within two weeks, Henry hadn’t had any symptoms. Weeks turned to months and I knew we had found something BIG.
I began to bake SCD treats to keep my son from missing all that he had…and most importantly to keep weight and health a main objective. Baking was, ummmmm, ridiculous at first. I mean going from wheat flour to almond and coconut flour was to say the very least, a learning curve. Along with NO sugar only honey as a sweetner. I was no pro, but I thought I could do better than what I was able to achieve with these ingredients! Trial and error and lots or reading recipes and buying cookbooks has led me to being lovingly pushed to start a blog. After almost 2 years on this diet, I have made countless SCD treats that now make children say, what does Henry have!!?? He is so lucky! I am back to making treats for the class and although not quite the same, Henry is proud.. and so is my Jack, his brother that stands by his side eating SCD to support his brother (most days ;)). The brother that Henry has always looked up to, shows his support and love beautifully because it was never a choice not to.
Henry is healthy, in clinical remission, and has been symptom free for almost 2 years. These treats and lifestyle blogs will hopefully guide, and give ideas to lighting up you and your children’s eyes that go through this tremendous disease. Until there is a cure, SCD is one of those amazing finds that can work. Medication is often needed with IBD (irritable bowel disease), but SCD is many times, the link that gets the disease to a calmed state. In our case it is the only necessary action for now and we are so thankful for this research in food.
Good night for now! Tomorrow is a new day, a new blogging day! Full of promise, pictures and recipes! Thank you for reading!
Thank you for starting this blog. I have two sons with Crohn’s disease. I was just like you. Making homemade treats for all occasions. I look forward to your recipes and bringing smiles to my two sons faces again!
I hope that baking in the kitchen becomes exciting again! It is such a blow when the diagnosis is made and food becomes a source of treatment instead of an easy, fun way of life. Thank you for my first comment, look forward to your comments in the future!
Amazing really helped my brother not feel left out and it tastes delicious
Thank you Jack…;) <3
Thank you for starting this blog, sharing your story, and being an amazing mom! So looking forward to the recipes to come.
I hope your boys like all the recipes, let me know if they have any requests!